Lessons You Learn Outside of the Classroom

If you had told me my first year of undergrad that it would take five different jobs in the span of four years to find my true calling, I would have called you crazy. I truly believed that once you got your degree, everything would fall into place—but reality has shown me otherwise. Job after job, I found myself unhappy and unmotivated to do what I was hired to do; and instead of sticking it out, I would leave to pursue a better opportunity (so I thought). I would soon find myself saddened at my pattern of job-hopping, followed by questioning myself. What did four years of psychology do for me? Have any of my job experiences benefited me at all? It took some years, but I finally got my answer.

All of my postgraduate jobs have been casework, in some shape or form. With each experience, I had the pleasure of meeting so many people with cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds different from mine. I enjoyed the flexible schedule and my encounters with my clients, but still found myself unhappy. This was not the career path I had envisioned. However, I was tired of the process of searching for jobs and becoming acquainted with a new company. I knew something had to change. Several months ago, I began to reflect on my educational and professional background and decided if I couldn’t find the career I desired, then I’d become an entrepreneur and create it.

I learned that school is just the beginning of your journey. When finding your purpose in life, the degree may not always match your job opportunities. However, everything cohesively will guide you in the right direction. As a proud business owner, I can say that I’ve learned one of my greatest lessons yet: My college experience has created my foundation, while the skills I obtained from each of my job opportunities have built the framework for who I am today.

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The Center for Balanced Living Changed My Life with ED


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