Don’t let fear stop you part 2

We ended last week’s blog with the concept of change being both constant and scary. So, what if you’ve accepted that your life will at some point change, but you are still stuck on how to move through transitions in your life? Join the club my friend. You are also very NORMAL.  

Awareness and Acceptance that change is imminent is only the first part of the journey. Action is next and possibly the hardest step along the way. Now you may be saying to yourself, “well change is going to happen regardless of me taking action.” And to that, I answer back, “yes, change will happen regardless of your action.” That said, once you accept whatever change is happening, from there you must make the decision whether or not that change is going to happen to you or through you and for you.  

Being a benchwarmer on the sidelines of your own life is hardly living. I’ve been there, done that, and bought too many t-shirts for souvenirs. In fact, I have enough to share with at least 100 people and that’s no exaggeration. For years, because of my codependence, I doubted my judgment and was too afraid to make a choice without second guessing whether or not it was the “right” one. I was overly concerned with whether or not I would have the approval or support of those around me. So, what did the “older, un-evolved” version of Achea do? I went around the mulberry bush waiting for validation that never came until I gave it to myself.  

Here’s the reality check of the century: NO ONE KNOWS YOU LIKE YOU KNOW YOU! Yep, that’s right, you own the corner on knowing yourself.  

We all have a story to share, but in order for that story to be impactful, everything— negative or positive—MUST happen through us and for us. And guess what? We are the only ones who get to make that choice. NO ONE else gets to decide. That is the ONE part we have control over. That should make those of you who secretly struggle with being a control freak very relieved.

If you are like me, you are probably in your head right now, nodding and agreeing; but overwhelmed. The questions, “where do I start, when do I start, how do I start?”—keep circling around the hamster wheel… Am I right? Yep…no worries I got you.  

  1. Where do I start? – Right where you are at this moment 

  2. When do I start? – Right NOW. Not tomorrow. TODAY! 

  3. How do I start? – One step at a time. One foot in front of the other. Small is the new big. 

No need to overcomplicate it. It’s a marathon, NOT a race. You’ll get there.



Summer Ends: Seasonal Affective Disorder Arrives


Don’t Let Fear Stop You Part 1