Anxiety is often portrayed in movies and television shows as being constantlybombarded with panic attacks and mental breakdowns. While this can be some peoplesanxiety, it does not represent other people’s experiences. As someone who deals withanxiety, mine does not look like it does in Hollywood. Instead my anxiety comes overme in a wave and feels like someone is sitting on my chest, creating a weight and apressure that can make it hard for me to breathe. Sometimes the weight will lift inminutes, but sometimes it will stay there and it can feel like I’m suffocating under thisinvisible pressure. It can go on for a few hours or it can last for days, of me just walkingaround feeling like I could crack at any moment. At times it feels like there is non stoppanic, like I am constantly forgetting something and falling behind everyone else. It canbe scary and confusing, but over the years I have learned to manage my symptoms. Forme managing my anxiety comes in different forms of self care such as binging onNetflix, going to the gym or manage my time. I will normally have my whole day plannedout in my calendar in order to help ease the stress that can come along with school,work and having a social life. But this is my way of dealing with anxiety, different peoplemay need more help with their anxiety or none at all and it is okay to need the help ofothers to get through.As a society we have to dismiss this typical portrayal of anxiety, because myanxiety isn’t the same as someone else’s anxiety. We both have different symptomsand triggers, because just as we as individuals are unique so are our mental illnesses.From my own experiences, it is unhealthy to try and force people into these outdatedideas of what anxiety is and can reaffirm unhealthy stereotypes about mental illness.Anxiety does not stop people from living their lives, and it does not mean they donot go out and cannot have vibrant social lives. People can go to parties or runsuccessful companies and still being dealing with anxiety on the daily. It is just anotherhurdle that we have to jump to get to the finish line, but it does not stop us from finishinga race or obtaining our goals.If you or someone you know is struggling with their anxiety, reach out and gethelp, there is no shame in getting help while going through this journey. Check out ourresources page for some great people who can help you with your struggle.